Two 18th century lovers confront their lust.
Britte tries to survive in 1920's Berlin.
A Sarmatian warrior princess prepares to claim her destiny.
(8/8) One big happy family.
The erotic adventures of Emily Summers, Governess.
(7/8) Winter in Independence. Wedding belles.
(6/8) Eastward ho! Happy reunions.
(5/8) Oregon. New challenges and rewards.
(4/8) Skeletons in the closet. Annie, get your gun.
Broken down 1880 Train sets up whore house on board.
(3/8) Life, loving, living, and loss.
A woman's journey into a wild, unsettled frontier land.
(2/8) Westward ho!
(1/8) Tom goes to war, comes home, and begins a new journey.
An 1880's train, broken down in a snow storm, keeping warm.
A maid tries to keep her sanity against an abusive master.
Best friends discover sex (in the man's parents' bed).
Emilys adventures at the hands of the Blackhearts continues.
Can the woman in the tent really do what they say?
How much does she need him?
A summer of heat, temptation and a want that swallows whole.
The abbess learns the position of the powerless.
In the Berlin Airlift, Merlin Mills meets the translator.
Good girl.
A shock for the abbess as the sheriff arrives...
During a bombing raid, two virgins grow unexpectedly close.
She’s a stranger he’s never seen before. It doesn’t matter.
A tryst at the inn that ripples through time.
A mercenary Captain is offered a prize beyond measure.
A friar attempts to hide and care for his mysterious captive.
Ganymede impresses the trickster and the musician.
A naked woodland witch seeks revenge on a beautiful friar.
Carwen goes south to discover what she needs.
When the art of seduction goes wrong.
A younger/older Regency romance.
Alice hits some highs - and some lows.
A captive is going to be released, but things go awry.
Dolly encounters racism - and the love of her life.
Ode to the hardest working man in the North Pole.
A young shepherd of Troy catches the eye of a god.
Bratty princess gets a reward for being good.
A maid finds a new position in a house owned by a cruel man.
Bratty princess' maid helps her relieve some stress.
Hannah hears what her sentence will be...
Living as the personal pleasure thing of a werewolf bandit.
This ancient Greek femboy bath attendant looking kinda.
Bondage shenanigans in Regency England.
Historical vignettes depicting incest in various periods.
A shipwrecked sailor ravishes a mysterious young woman.
Captured by pirates, taught love by a slave.
He plays with her.
Godfrey the bailiff breaks his 'no virgin' rule.
Adventures of a mute 19 year old slavegirl.
During World War II, a French woman hosts a German soldier.
A noble becomes a werewolf's captive.
A nobleman is captured bandits, led by a mysterious woman.
Time travel has its perils for a pretty woman.
Jesse is a jazz pianist and Andy is his muse.
Kwan’s first night with the Empress begins.
Kwan gets prepared to be presented to her Empress.
Mother wishes to be intimate with her son before she dies.
Humiliation, then hope and more than I could hope.
If the Emperor can have concubines, why can’t the Empress?
A Comet Seahag Tale: 2 - Uncle Joey's Treasure Trove.
An unusual punishment in Ancient Babylon.
In nothing but riding boots, the Major's wife takes control.
A Viking warrior journeys to Africa.
Historically set wedding night uniting two clans.
Our Lady enjoys a full summer of debauchery with naked men.
Brother and sister have criminal intents.
Time in Boston and the War.
Andrea uses her sexy charms to find her mother, Jacqueline.
Andre and Finn's relationship continues to develop.
Andrea uses all her charms to find her mother, Jacqueline.
A prequel to Vengeance is Mine.
A new slave melts her master's frozen heart...
Rosemary and her maid are kidnapped by horny pirates!
Lady FitzWilliam is fucked by her boys, the Duchess observes.
Alpha bodyguard x Omega Royal
Half a romance, which gives context to the story.
Two knights spend an intimate night after battle together.
A damsel in distress story in a seaside town of horror!
A Damsel in Distress story with a fox hunt!
Prairie kidnapping.
A Damsel in Distress Story: Aunt Suzanne's Cold Heart!
A classic Damsel in Distress story in a Sawmill.
Verity's cousin gambles her virtue away.
A knight takes a maiden captive.
Roman Empire hero rewarded with beautiful slaves.
A battle between two rivals makes a change of course.
Our Lady takes enjoys new young men and shares her own.
A Damsel in Distress Story with a Shocking Twist.
A Damsel in Distress story in the Kitchen.
Our lady takes her boys to London for the season.
Obviating needing characters make “should I?” decision.
Tracking down where writers wrote for setting.
A Classic Damsel in Distress Story - Tied to the Track
Why was Queen Elizabeth a virgin all her life?